Our partnership with Cool Crutches.

Amelia, founder of Cool Crutches is passionate about everyone feeling comfortable, confident and safe when using a walking aid. She wants to support people focus on what they can do, rather than what they can’t - and allow her customer to create walking aids that reflect who they really are.

A little bit about the partnership

Our partnership with Amelia started in March 2023, and she had created a content nightmare. Posting 7 days a week, churning through any idea she had that week, or even that day. She was completely tied to the schedule in which she had created for herself.

Now, we create a 30 day strategy across both grid posts, story and reels. Every single post leads back to a bigger idea - where its click through to the website, engagement across the app, saveable content, brand aware, gathering new customers, product launches - and so much more. The freedom Amelia has gained each week and month is what is allowing her to progress the business forward at its current rate - and achieve the huge success she has to date.

A few kind words from Amelia, founder of Cool Crutches.

Lisa’s team are incredibly good at what they do, I’ll be honest part of the battle with content and social strategy is consistency.  Understanding the value in immediate changes has been easy, being aware of the long game is slightly harder to anticipate and appreciate - but boy is it worth it.  Our business has transformed with the help of Stories Society, our engagement, reach but most importantly sales have sky rocketed month on month.  Whilst I understand our market and product I often prioritise vanity metrics over commercial ones and the team have such a thorough understanding of how to commercialise your content but also increase the value of your brand, they are phenomenal.

I can also attest that in relation to the quality and volume of work Stories Society deliver their fees are conservative, if I had one thing to say only about the team it would be that investing in their retainer has been the best value for money we have spent in years.  If you’re on the fence as to whether to try, go for it but play the long game, invest in your business properly and sit tight you will reap the benefits!

Eternally grateful to Lisa and the team for turning our content management and dissemination from a scramble headache to a well oiled, commercial machine!!


Anna Calvert


Flore House