The creators of stories. Stories to inspire, to challenge, to communicate.

Consumers want more — they want to be inspired.

Whatever product or service you are selling, and whoever your audience is, you need your marketing to be strategic and impactful. It needs to be authentic, thoughtful and creative, aligned with who you are as a brand, and have a 360° approach across the entirety of your business.

Let us work with you to build and nurture the stories that are individual to you; allow us to create them in a way that allows your audience to fall in love with your brand first, and product second.

Our Monthly Marketing Packages

  • Chapter One

    An introduction to strategic marketing, and the beginning of telling your brand story with flair and passion.

    • 60-minute monthly strategy session

    • Monthly strategy including product collections, website experience, social media, email marketing, data capture, and brand awareness

    • 20-day strategy across social, email + website considering the product, audience, data capture and trading figures.

    • 10 days of IG posts (you will follow the strategy for the additional 10 days, ensuring you have consistency in content delivery.)

    • 10 IG stories, with click-through website strategy

    • 2 email

    Investment; £575 (+VAT)

  • Chapter Two

    Taking things up a level — more content, more coverage, more impact.

    • 90min monthly strategy session

    • Monthly strategy including product collections, website experience, social media, email marketing, data capture, and brand awareness.

    • 30-day strategy social, email + web; considering product, audience, data capture and trading figures.

    • 20 days of IG posts + resized for stories (you can follow the strategy for the additional 10 days, ensuring you have consistency in content delivery - but it is not needed.)

    • 20 IG stories, with click-through website + engagement strategy

    • 2 emails

    • Uploaded into planning scheduler

    Investment; £875 (+VAT)

  • Chapter Three

    Your in-house marketing team, for full coverage and reactivity

    • 90-minute monthly strategy session, plus a 30-minute bi-weekly check-in to review trade.

    • Monthly strategy including product collections, website experience, social media, email marketing, data capture, and brand awareness

    • 30-day strategy across social, email + website

    • 30 days of IG posts

    • 30 days of IG story with click-through website + engagement strategy

    • Ad hoc content creation as required.

    • 4 emails

    • 3 x daily Pinterest Strategy

    • Uploaded into planning scheduler with hashtag strategy

    • Bi-Monthly 90min 1-1 Business Strategy Sessions.

    Investment; £1475 (+VAT)

For when you just need the Strategy

As a team, we love being able to partner with in-house experts to support them in creating beautiful monthly content. Maybe you already have designers, copywriters and photographers in-house, but you are struggling to pull them all together to create marketing that is not only meaningful but also commercial in moving the business forward.

We can give you all the information you need to create an impactful marketing strategy every month. We will look at product collections, customer experience, data captions, digital marketing, branding, web experience and brand awareness - creating the framework for your in-house team to excel.

A 90-minute strategy session will be where we brainstorm and plan the strategy for the following month. 5-7 days later you will receive the full strategy breakdown within your Notion portal. You will have the opportunity to create the content and re-upload it to Notion where Lisa will review and give feedback, giving you time to schedule for the month ahead.

Each strategy request is unique. An accurate quote can be provided upon fully understanding the strategy requests. Get in touch to learn more.


  • To give us the time we need to understand your business and get the best out of your investment, our monthly content package has a minimum term time of 3 months

  • It's during this session we collectively decide what we want to market and sell during the month ahead. This can be stock, product collections, data capture, events, back-of-house updates — anything. You may have new lines you want to share, or older slow-selling stock you need to shift. Whatever we feel will move the dial in the business is what we will market.

    We wil also look at trade figures and data from social/email.

  • We use Notion as our in-house platform with all clients. You’ll be asked to complete an in-depth questionnaire before our first meeting, and it’ll be during the second meeting that you will be able to provide feedback on the copy and content so far, giving us the chance to make amendments. We want each piece of content to feel authentic and true to your brand, so it's our job to pull the information we need from you.

  • After signing the contract, you will be invoiced for 50% of your monthly fee. Once your first month of content is ready, the remainder is due.

    Every month after, you will be invoiced the full amount once your content is ready for review.

  • This will depend on our availability and the time year. We do not onboard new brand in November, December or January.

  • As part of the Strategy only packages there is the option to have a one-off collection of Canva graphics created bespoke to your brand visuals to support the monthly strategy.

    All other content is created in Adobe and raw files are not shared.

  • No. We upload and schedule the content into a scheduler, but we still require you to spend 15 mins engaging on the app before posting.

    We normally schedule your story posts 15 minutes before your grid content. When you receive the notification to your phone, you can share the story and spend the time in between engaginging.

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