Partnership with The Pop Up Club

The partnership with Tillie, founder of The Pop Up Club started in October 2023. The Pop-Up Club is a community, a safe and welcoming space which allows you to showcase your craft and creations to real life customers, removing the impersonal nature of technology and encouraging human interaction and connection. Their mission is to provide artists, makers, designers, and small businesses that have sustainability at their core, affordable pop up spaces in high footfall locations. They invest back into their traders with free learning resources, advice, tips and meet-ups throughout the year.

A little bit about our partnership

Tillie joined us at a point where she was heading into her peak period and needed to know her marketing efforts would consistency and effectively continue to support the growth of the business. While looking after her social media and email marketing we have been able to dive into her phenomenal community to create inspiring and relatable content, build her email subscribers through simple resources, as well as preparing content to layer into a Pinterest strategy later in 2024.


The 44 Group


One Essentials